Monday, January 9, 2012


It is so weird;
Every morning I wake up alone in my bed.
The kids are leaving and hollering goodbye at o'dark-thirty.
Shortly thereafter, I get up and get dressed and eat something then meet a friend to walk a few miles.
I get home and work; returning emails, making phone calls, going to meetings, or creating proposals.
Sometimes I will meet a friend for lunch.
Mr. M will touch base and let me know what his day looks like - how many customers he will be seeing that day (usually 1-6 at an average of 60-90 mins. each).
I pick up kids and hang out with them throughout the late afternoon/early evening.
Eventually, Mr. M comes over and we do dinner.
Then he leaves for his AA meeting.
He is usually gone for 2.5 to 3 hours (depending on how far away it is, if he is going to dinner beforehand, if he hangs out and fellowships afterward etc.).
On his way home to Hacker & Wifey's house he calls me to say "hi".
We chit chat a while and then say our "love you's" and "goodnights".
It is so weird... it is like we are dating.
It is hard and sad in many ways (for the kids especially, I think).
But, it is not all bad.
There is something good for both of us in the boundaries and the space and the freedom.
I think it MAY give him more ability to focus on his program.
It allows us to not always be up in each others' kitchens.
And it makes us long for each other a little bit more... I think we are (overall) a tad bit nicer to each other and are on more good behavior.
It is kind of a no-man's land between marriage and divorce and yet marriage (living together right now) isn't currently an option and we are not ready for divorce, so i am grateful there is an alternative.
I wouldn't wish it on any one... but it is working adequately... considering.


  1. I think that the separation is a good thing--it gives people a chance to clear their minds and hearts. And it gives each an opportunity to work on recovery. And getting to know each other again is okay. My old marriage died a long time ago. Now we have something new.

  2. Sometimes when my life is going a certain way and question whether I should be doing something different or just staying put right now and I am torturing myself over the decision, it helps when someone says, "You are right where you're supposed to be right now."


  3. Syd - Mr. M and I have often said that we on on our third (or fourth) marriage... just to the same person! I appreciate the encouragement.

    Elizabeth - GOOOD REMINDER... thanks!!!!!!!
