Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Our little 10 pound dog "Jewel" loves our whole family.
Girlie feeds her so she is devoted to her in a special way.
She loves to snuggle with Bub.
I am the Momma, so she follows me around.
But NO ONE holds a candle to Daddy.
She gets sent to her bed during meals and when we are done eating, we release her by saying "That'll do".
If Mr. M is not home and ANY of us release her, she is out of her bed in a flying leap the INSTANT "That'll do" even BEGINS to pass our lips.
However, if Mr. M is home, I will say "That'll do" and she does not move. She looks away from me and stares at Mr. M with her little stub wagging... utterly intent upon him.
There IS no command except a command from him, when he is home.
"That'll do," he finally says and she hurtles herself from the bed in a nanosecond!

Her little world is crushed when her Alpha is not home.
She waits for him in the front window. She whines for him. She has more anxiety and spends a lot more of her spare time "guarding" the house. I assert myself and show her my dominance and that she does not need to be in control just because her Alpha is gone, but she clearly does not believe me. She PINES for Mr. M in his absence. All is not right with her world when he is gone...
The kids and I all understand how she feels...


  1. Love this. I guess she'll always be "Daddy's Little Girl." She sounds adorable.

  2. i understand...there was a time i spent away from home due to work...and to try and explain the bond you are talking about is so hard..because while my wife took care of basic needs in my absence the connection was still with me...

  3. Elizabeth - thanks...She IS... some day soon, I want to write a post about WHY I got her in the first place!

    Brian - that is interesting!!!.. they love their daddies, I guess :)

  4. Dogs can intuit so many things. And they know who truly loves them. Alcoholics have a pure sense about them--some innate sensitivity that dogs get.

  5. I agree Syd... I agree. I see a depth and a pureness (a true honesty - that even though in his disease he lies, he is deeply honesty about HIMSELF in a way few "nromies" are) along with a profound sadness in Mr. M too that I also think Jewel intuits...
