Thursday, September 11, 2008


I just figured out how to add followers to my Alcoholic Marriage blog and become a follower of others'  blogs.  I am so excited!  (Not that anyone is following mine - YET - so I am just excited to have learned something new technologically!)

To add a followers gadget to your own blog:
It is under "dashboard".
Then "layout".
Then "page elements".
Then "add a gadget".
Then it will show you followers.

To become a follower of someone else's blog:
Go to your "dashboard".
You will see your "reading list".
It will say "blogs I am following".
Down at the bottom, there is a tab that says "add".
Click that and a pop up will ask you to enter the URL of the blog you would like to follow.
You can also choose to follow publicly or privately.
For a fun, friend's blog, you might choose to follow publicly so everyone will know you follow that blog.
For Alcoholic Marriage, you might choose to follow privately so you can remain anonymous.

Happy following!

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